Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fear of Success

Approach Avoidance is a behavior pattern where part of you doesn't want the rest of you to succeed at X.

Most of the time you are unaware of the pattern, more than likely you are unaware that you even have an internal part of you that wants something other than what "you" want.

Part of you is looking at another part of you... with contempt.

and you didn't even know you had another part of you...

more coming... I've got more work than I can do right now, am a victim of my own success:
and I've got Dr Robert Anthony and Anthony Robbins assistance to thank for that.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Change your handwriting Change your emotions

Personality Revealed

By Mary Kearl

How you write your letters -- dark, small, large, curved or angled -- can give insight into your personality and innermost thoughts, says Michelle Dresbold, handwriting analyst and author of "Sex, Lies, and Handwriting: A Top Expert Reveals the Secrets Hidden in Your Handwriting." Read through the photo gallery below to learn about what writing traits reveal about the person behind the pen. Note you'll need to disable your pop-up blocker to view the slide show.

By Mary Kearl

If You Don't Do This You Have No Follow-Through

Have No Follow-Through

"Somebody who crosses their 't' halfway doesn't follow through in life. He starts something, but doesn't finish it. But if he crosses his 't,' he's completing it. That physical act will translate into other areas of his life over time, which is just a small example of how you can change traits in your writing to be better in life," says Dresbold.

Signature vs. Handwriting

"You write your signature for other people. Your signature is how you want to portray yourself to the world, while the rest of your writing displays how you really are. If your signature is very different from the rest of your handwriting, what you show to the public is not necessarily what you feel inside. You can have one image for the world and another image of yourself internally," says Dresbold.

Recognize These Signatures? From top to bottom, they belong to Charles Manson (notice the swastika), Liberace (there is a piano in that scrawl) and Beatle Ringo Starr (notice the star within the Starr)

Detect Lying in Writing

"If you speak the truth, you don't have to think much about it," Dresbold explains. "When you lie, you hesitate, because lying takes extra thinking. In writing in which someone is lying, there will either be a gap, the words will tighten up (as a person who's lying tenses up) or they will move out of alignment. If you practice noticing this, you can really tell when someone is lying."

Which Note-Writer Do You Think Is Lying?

If you thought John was lying, you're right. Notice the spacing and change in writing style between "I got" and "a flat tire."

Are You Obsessed With Sex?

"There are different things that can show obsession. People like Michael Jackson have phallic symbols in their handwriting. Usually that means an obsession with sex. Lower loops can represent the emphasis people put into physical action below the waist. These symbols could also appear in your writing if you're thinking about sex more than you usually do," according to Dresbold.

Can you spot the "sexual symbol" in these signatures?

Messy vs. Neat Handwriting

"Messy handwriting can be a good thing. You could be very bright and very creative, but messy handwriting could mean you're thinking quickly because your brain is moving very fast. Perfectly neat handwriting is not necessarily a good thing. If someone's handwriting is too neat, they may not be able to be spontaneous," says Dresbold.

The messy scratchings in the top sample belong to none other than poetic songwriter John Lennon.

The Ideal Handwriting

"Extra-round-looking handwriting indicates when someone is almost too young and relaxed, or too easy-going. Ideally we want a combination of curved and angled handwriting, at least for an adult," Dresbold says.

Israel's fourth prime minister, Golda Meir's autograph embodies this balance.

If Your Periods Look Like This, You're Stuck in a Rut

"If someone makes their periods or the dot on a lowercase 'i' big and thick and grinds them into the page, it means that they're resentful and can't move forward," says Dresbold. "Someone who grinds their periods is stuck in one place. The physical movement on the page represents someone who is fixated, someone who can't easily get over things and can't easily move on."

Tiny vs. Large Handwriting

"When you write large, you feel free," according to Dresbold. "A person who likes to be seen will have writing that's noticeable and free. If you try and write really, really tiny, you need to focus more and block out the rest of the world. People who write this way are focused on their tasks and don't really notice what is going on around them."

Sample B's signature belongs to the now-famous recluse, the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.

How Rule-Breakers Write

"A lot of behaviors can show rule-breaking. One that is pretty obvious shows up when you write on lined paper: On the left-hand side, there is a vertical line -- that stands for society -- and when people write through that line on a normal-sized sheet of paper, choosing to disregard that line, it means rules in general aren't for them. That, to me, is a pretty dangerous sign," says Dresbold.

O.J.'s Handwriting Gives Him Away

"Your o's and a's are your communication letters," Dresbold explains. "The clearer your o and a are, the more clearly you communicate. If something is wrong with the shape of these letters, that means there is a problem with your communication. O.J. Simpson puts a slash through his o -- called a forked-tongue stroke -- the sign of a liar. Any little mark through your o's and a's means that something about your communicating isn't 100 percent truthful. But if someone bumps your arm while you're writing, that's different."

Catch a Con Artist

"Over and over again, con artists will make some letters look like they could be another letter, and some numbers look like they're another number, to the point where one letter can be so ambiguous that you can't read it," says Dresbold. "If you can't read their numbers, that's a sign of a con artist or an embezzler. With someone like Scott Peterson, that ambiguity is very prevalent. His handwriting looks very readable, neat and nice, just like he looked at first glance -- but you can't read every third word of his writing. You think you can read it because your brain figures out what the word should be. But when taken out of context, the words are unreadable. A very good con artist tries not to write very messy."

The bottom writing sample is from Scott Peterson -- it is his return address. Would you be able to replicate it?

Indications of Rage, Antagonism, Irritability and Frustration

"If you make angles -- very sharp angles -- in your writing, it means you feel tension. You can't relax when you make angles. If you put angled marks where they don't belong, it shows the tension you are feeling. Adolf Hitler has big checkmarks all over the place. That is extreme tension. A person writing with that number of angles is showing a lot of rage," Dresbold explains.

Lawless Scrawl

"The 'Felon's Claw' is when the cursive G ends with a frown, and the loop at the bottom looks like a claw. You will find G's like that in the handwriting of people who somehow keep doing things to mess up their lives. They don't believe they deserve good things happen to them. It can be women who find they always end up with the wrong men. Psychologically, it means they set themselves up for failure. Many convicted felons have that claw in their writing. If you do see the felon's claw, it doesn't mean the writer is a felon. If you find you have a felon's claw in your handwriting, however, it's time to think about what you're doing in your life to screw it up," advises Dresbold.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

self destructive behavior

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I stumbled on your blogs while doing a search on Google about self-destructive behaviour.  Thank you!  Most of the stuff I see on the internet has to do with young girls or women dealing with the issue.  The term rattled something loose in my brain when I saw a news report talking about Brittany Spears recent behaviour.
I have only become aware of this behaviour gradually over the last three or four years.  I am 53 now.  I think a lot of this awareness came after a breakdown I had about that time, where I believe I was closer to suicide than I have ever been.  I still have a lot of thoughts about it, but don't feel as if it is imminent. 
The self destructive behaviours always seem to show up when I am stressed out, when I feel like to much is being put on me to handle, and my only option is to lash out, usually verbally or in writing. 
My last episode was yesterday, 11/9, when I recieved an email from my work saying that if I did not start filling out my timesheet correctly my pay would be suspended.  I was pissed, but in control enough to email them back politely, but coolly, that while I would comply with expectations, it was illegal for them to do that.  Kind of a thinly veiled threat. While my boss never threatened me with loss of job (yet), he has in the past for different little eruptions I have had.  I do need to find another job, but sometimes it seems like I am just trying to get myself fired.
My DOC is medical marijuana.  I have legitimate issues that I need it for, but latey have been strongly considering giving it up, as I use it for legitimate purposes, and at other times.  When I don't use it, it seems like I really go crazy, and the slightest thing will set me off.  I took another job about three years ago, where I was mostly away from the family and when I returned I left my remaining meds in a secure location.  For six months I was off the marijuana, plenty of time for accumulated dependencies to resolve.  My tolerance for perceived BS went to near zero.  If I were my wife, I probably would have left.  I applied for and obtained my medical marijuana card again, and slowly after using it again for a couple months, my sense of equilibrium began to return.
I guess this is out of frustration that I write this, and should you not answer, it's cool.  I know you are no shrink, and that I am venting.  I know you dont have all the answers, maybe none of them, but you are safe!  That brings me to the other major issue in my life.  The more I become aware of myself, and all my idiosyncracies, the more I try and avoid people.  It seems that I can hardly get into a social situation anymore without making some inappropriate statement and embarrasing myself and often my wife.
Like you I am a Christian.  At one time, any mention of new age and Christianity in the same breath would have made me ignore everything you said.  I have come to realize that Christianity as it is practiced in modern times is a far different entity than it was in the times immediately following Jesus time on Earth.  Because of that, and my own propensity for social blunders I rarely go to church. When I do, I am very guarded about saying anything to anyone, even though I would like to speak to people at times.  I am not shy, I am just an asshole.  At least I often say things that make me think that, and I know by the peoples expressions that I justscrwed up.  But, I keep talking anyway. 
Also, the other end of the spectrum is I have a hard time trusting people.  So many times I have taken the risk to trust someone, gotten close to them, developed a relationship, only to be burned in some way.  Burned in a way that strikes right at the heart of a freindship-trust.  And I am not talking about just divulging a little secret or something.  When I get burned, my hate shifts from the last person I hated, to the new person/people.  Kind of like when you drop one addiction just to pick up another.  I could list a number of abuses by different people that at one time were close to me.  I won't bore you with them.  Suffice it to say, I am leery of people.  This leeriness makes it difficult to go into a meeting and start talking about all my shit......again.
I guess that is it for now....thanks for the shoulder.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Left Brain Tools and Right Brain Issues

You can't expect left brain tools to impact right brain issues

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 Not only that, even if the right brain was 'doing something', the left brain would not recognize that anything of value was going on.

The right brain's most valuable tool is the tool of "Observation"
Observation is unconditional, it contains ZERO judgement.

Observation operates from the frame of Being, not doing.

When you BE something, you don't have to DO anything. it's like Grace, you don't have to earn grace.

Being valuable is not something you missed out on- it's something you create, on tap, on demand, however much a situation requires that you possess self worth, that's how much self worth you generate.

When your right brain is performing the task of Observation, powerful forces are put into play...

Your left brain incorrectly assumes that nothing valuable is going on, your left brains unit of measure, it's meters to record success or failure are incapable of registering observation.

Your left brain wants to fix something, from it's perspective Observation is the equivalent to stopping the car on the freeway, it will say, "why are we stopped?" "There is no traffic?"

Observation is healing on the level of Being the left brain operates on the level of doing

more coming... Just had to post this while it was on my mind (before I forgot)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dominant Subconscious Belief

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"Or you want X and your insides want Y"

In "The Parent's Handbook: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting. 3rd Edition"
Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) provides a practical approach to parent-child relations. The handbook is organized into nine sessions that are meant to be taken for a week at a time.

Chapter 1 asserts that all behavior occurs for a social purpose.

Four goals of misbehavior, and four basic ingredients for building positive relationships are discussed

I'm asserting that when we screw up... part of us is screwing up on purpose.
And that part... is NOT the voice we hear in the back of our minds ear...

I'm further asserting that the voice we hear inside when we talk to ourselves, that's who we think we are... and that assumption is incorrect.

That is your ego

and you're a lot more than an ego.

"if you don't have what you want -- here's the reason -
your subconscious holds
some contradictory intentions for you.
To put it simply, YOU want something and IT doesn't."

Dr. Robert Anthony from his ground breaking audio series:

"Know how to be Rich"

There is a term for this called "psychological reversal",
which describes the difference in what we consciously want
and what we actually do or allow ourselves to experience.

It also explains why we fall short in countless other
pursuits even though we know we have the ability to achieve
them. Unless you understand psychological reversal your
seeming inability to make progress in areas that are
obviously important to you can be mistakenly blamed on such
things as "lack of will power", "poor motivation", "spacing
out" or other forms of supposed character defects.

It is vital to understand the role of psychological
reversal in psychology, medicine, addictions, weight loss,
and countless fields of endeavor including sports and
business performance. For example, the person who
consciously believes that they want to lose weight will
often have an unconscious belief that, "If I lose weight I
will only gain it back again’.

Most people are only psychological reversed in specific
areas. They may do very well in most areas in their life,
but overcoming problems in one specific area seems to be
out of their reach. If they are psychological reversed,
they will sabotage their own efforts no matter how hard
they try.

With some people psychological reversal shows up in almost
every area of their lives. It is easy to spot these people
because nothing ever seems to go right for them.

They usually complain a lot and consider themselves a
Psychological reversal is also a chronic
companion of those who suffer from depression.

Most people know, at least intuitively, that negative
thinking blocks their progress. However what they do not
know is that their negative thinking also creates an
"energy block" in their body's electromagnetic system.

It is important to understand that psychological reversal is not a character defect.

more coming... stay tuned

Disclaimer: No responsibility is accepted for use of this information. Use is entirely at your own risk.
Information contained herein is for educational purposes only.